This is just a technology testing project based on Create React App and TailwindCSS

sign_in.feature 3.5KB

  1. Feature: Sign In user
  2. Background:
  3. Given visit "Home" page
  4. # clear input fields persistence mechanism (just speeds up the test)
  5. Given clear browser storages
  6. When press "Sign In" button at "Page content"
  7. Then modal of "Sign in the restricted area" dialog opened
  8. # Path of success
  9. Scenario: Fulfill user Sign In form with Remember me set
  10. When enter "" in "Email" input at "Sign In form"
  11. * enter "password1234" in "Password" input at "Sign In form"
  12. * set "Remember me" checkbox at "Sign In form"
  13. Then button "Sign In" at "Sign In form" is enabled
  14. When press "Sign In" button at "Sign In form"
  15. Then modal of "Sign in the restricted area" dialog closed
  16. * modal of "Data submitted from the form" dialog opened
  17. # technical field names are used
  18. * jsonView field "email" contains ""
  19. * jsonView field "password" contains "password1234"
  20. * jsonView field "remember_me" contains "true"
  21. Scenario: Fulfill user Sign In form with Remember me unset
  22. When enter "" in "Email" input at "Sign In form"
  23. * enter "password1234" in "Password" input at "Sign In form"
  24. * unset "Remember me" checkbox at "Sign In form"
  25. Then button "Sign In" at "Sign In form" is enabled
  26. When press "Sign In" button at "Sign In form"
  27. Then modal of "Sign in the restricted area" dialog closed
  28. * modal of "Data submitted from the form" dialog opened
  29. # technical field names are used
  30. * jsonView field "email" contains ""
  31. * jsonView field "password" contains "password1234"
  32. * jsonView field "remember_me" contains "false"
  33. Scenario: Switch to Register new user dialogue
  34. When press "Have no account? - Create" button at "Sign In form"
  35. Then modal of "Sign in the restricted area" dialog closed
  36. * modal of "New user registration" dialog opened
  37. Scenario: Switch to Forgotten password recovery dialogue
  38. When click "Forgot password?" link at "Sign In form"
  39. Then modal of "Sign in the restricted area" dialog closed
  40. * modal of "Forgotten password recovery" dialog opened
  41. # Validations testing
  42. Scenario: Sign In form validations
  43. # prepare state of success
  44. Given enter "" in "Email" input at "Sign In form"
  45. * enter "password1234" in "Password" input at "Sign In form"
  46. * button "Sign In" at "Sign In form" is enabled
  47. Then not see "Required" at "Error message"
  48. * not see "Must be a valid email address" at "Error message"
  49. When enter "" in "Email" input at "Sign In form"
  50. Then see "Required" at "Error message"
  51. * button "Sign In" at "Sign In form" is disabled
  52. When enter "test" in "Email" input at "Sign In form"
  53. Then see "Must be a valid email address" at "Error message"
  54. * button "Sign In" at "Sign In form" is disabled
  55. When enter "" in "Email" input at "Sign In form"
  56. Then not see "Must be a valid email address" at "Error message"
  57. * button "Sign In" at "Sign In form" is enabled
  58. When enter "" in "Password" input at "Sign In form"
  59. Then see "Required" at "Error message"
  60. * button "Sign In" at "Sign In form" is disabled
  61. When enter "password1234" in "Password" input at "Sign In form"
  62. Then not see "Required" at "Error message"
  63. * button "Sign In" at "Sign In form" is enabled