# styled-youtube-embedding-labwork > Embed YouTube video in a webpage with a custom play-button, original poster at the best resolution and responsive container, keeping aspect ratio. [Try it](https://chiefred.github.io/styled-youtube-embedding-labwork/) in action! Often we need to embed a YouTube video in a custom design (with a custom play button), but for that purpose, we only have the URL of that video. Let`s disassemble the task in several steps. ## Get \ from URL YouTube video URLs can be provided in several formats, like: - https://youtu.be/jIHvgUAW5vE - https://youtu.be/jIHvgUAW5vE?t=2 - https://www.youtube.com/embed/jIHvgUAW5vE - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jIHvgUAW5vE&ab_channel=MihaEr%C5%BEen In all the examples presented, the desired video identifier will be `jIHvgUAW5vE`. So, we need a way to extract it. In most cases, we will do this on the server side by regular expression and even in combination with check: if we have a valid YouTube video URL (of any format), then we can, for example, insert its poster image into the page. I will use PHP: ```php video ``` ## Get the poster image for YouTube video As already shown above, poster image can be loaded from `img.youtube.com`. Best resolution images available at URLs like: ```html https://img.youtube.com/vi//maxresdefault.jpg ``` But in some cases they may not exist (when the original video was in low resolution). We can find the following variations of the image file names used: - maxresdefault - mqdefault - sddefault - hqdefault - default And we need to determine if the image exists or not. With the 404 error response, YouTube also transmits a default placeholder image, which prevents the `img` tag's `onerror` event handler from being called. Thus, we can only check the "natural dimensions" of the resulting image. The idea is to try to load the highest resolution image (`maxresdefault.jpg`) and test the result with onload script: ```html video ``` But before the `img` tag, we must register the `youtube_img_load_check` function in the `head` section of the web page: ```js window.youtube_img_load_check = function (e) { var thumbnail = [ "maxresdefault", "mqdefault", "sddefault", "hqdefault", "default", ]; var url = e.getAttribute("src"); if (e.naturalWidth === 120 && e.naturalHeight === 90) { for (var i = 0, len = thumbnail.length - 1; i < len; i++) { if (url.indexOf(thumbnail[i]) > 0) { e.setAttribute("src", url.replace(thumbnail[i], thumbnail[i + 1])); break; } } } }; ``` If loading `maxresdefault.jpg` fails, the script will try the next option from the array. Etc. The default YouTube stub image size is 120 x 90 pixels. Thus, we can detect errors when checking the `naturalWidth` and `naturalHeight` of the resulting image. ## Preserve the aspect ratio of the poster image in a responsive design The YouTube documentation says, "The standard aspect ratio for YouTube on a computer is 16:9". And most videos are in this format. As I found, even videos with a 4:3 aspect ratio in most cases have a poster in 16:9 format, until `default.jpg` which 120x90 (same as 404 error image). Thus, we cannot determine the aspect ratio of the video when measuring the loaded poster. That's why I just think all YouTube videos in 16:9 format. The result for my cases is acceptable. Here is the layout. HTML: ```html
``` CSS: ```css .youtube-video { width: 100%; } .youtube-video__aspect { width: 100%; height: 0; position: relative; padding-top: 56.25%; /* This line gives 16:9 aspect ratio */ } .youtube-video__poster { width: 100%; height: 100%; position: absolute; top: 0; left: 0; } .youtube-video__wrapper { /* Needed to properly resize video */ width: 100%; height: 100%; position: absolute; top: 0; left: 0; display: flex; justify-content: center; align-items: center; } .youtube-video__play-icon { ...; } .youtube-video__iframe { /* Needed to properly resize video */ width: 100%; height: 100%; } ``` ## Launch YouTube video player One final piece of the puzzle - we need to replace the poster image with a real YouTube player when the user hits the play button. This JS can be placed at the bottom of the page. ```js const videos = document.querySelectorAll( ".youtube-video .youtube-video__play-icon" ); videos.forEach(function (video) { video.addEventListener("click", function (e) { const link = e.target.dataset.link || null; const parent = e.target.closest(".youtube-video__wrapper"); if (link && parent) { parent.classList.add("loading"); parent.innerHTML = '"; } }); }); ``` You can optionally use the `.youtube-video__wrapper.loading` CSS selector to show the loading indicator. Now [try it](https://chiefred.github.io/styled-youtube-embedding-labwork/) in action!